Welcome to the place where body literacy and hormone harmony collide to transform your pregnancy dreams into reality

Hi, I'm Hannah!

I teach women to understand their cycles, uncover hormonal imbalances and get pregnant naturally – using the Fertility Awareness Method. 

So, you're ready to get pregnant?
Does any of the following sound familiar?
  • You’ve been trying to get pregnant for a little while, and it’s just not happening.
  • You’ve read a blog or 2, and have realised there just might be more to this baby making deal.
  • The constant mixed messages from health gurus are starting to do your head in.
  • You have symptoms that tell you something might be off, but no one is taking you seriously.
  • You’re becoming frustrated as time passes, wondering why it hasn’t happened yet.

I get it; that was me once too! I had tried conventional methods to fall pregnant, even going through the stress of IVF with no results. It wasn’t until I learned about Fertility Awareness and uncovered the root cause of my fertility issues that I saw success.

Let’s be honest; how much do we really know about how our body works? How to understand when we are fertile, if we’re ovulating, how to troubleshoot our cycles and understand what all those symptoms mean?

Lovely, by understanding your body’s unique blueprint, you can bypass fertility challenges, balance your hormones and regain control.

I'll be your cheerleader along the way

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Preconception Guide

Immediate actions you can implement to create the baby of your dreams
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Be equipped with knowledge and support

Whether your goal is to achieve pregnancy, or develop a comprehensive understanding of your reproductive health, The Body Bluprint coaching programs are all about helping you:

Through learning Fertility Awareness from an accredited Educator, you will be guided to improve your chances of achieving pregnancy on your terms. You will no longer feel powerless but knowledgeable and in control of your fertility journey.

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A little about me ...

Hannah fertility coach australia

Hi, I’m Hannah, a Fertility and Menstrual Health Coach, body literacy warrior and incredibly proud mum and wife.

As a woman who struggled to conceive for years, I know first-hand what it is to feel powerless over your circumstance. But that’s not where my story ends. And neither should yours.

It's not your fault!

Studies show that only 13% of women who’ve been trying to conceive for a year have enough information to accurately tell when they are fertile.
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