My story ...
I’m Hannah, a FEMM certified Fertility Awareness Educator and Trained Teacher in the Foundations of Natural Fertility Education. I’m incredibly passionate about helping women understand their fertility, improve their body confidence and reconnect with their true body bluprint.
After struggling with getting pregnant for almost 4 years, undergoing IUI and IVF, and seeing doctor after doctor, it wasn’t until I was finally introduced to Fertility Awareness that I uncovered the root cause of my fertility issues and achieved pregnancy naturally.
Seeing the results first-hand, I decided to become a fertility coach to support couples fast track their time to pregnancy and sidestep some of the heartache and frustration we experienced. Since launching The Body Bluprint I have helped dozens of couples from across the world to get pregnant and specialise in supporting women to truly understand their fertility, regain confidence in their bodies and get pregnant naturally.
My coaching programs will take you on a journey of self-discovery, providing you with the sex ed you missed out on in school. They will empower you with improved body literacy, help you uncover your root cause and provide solutions to your fertility challenges so that you can achieve pregnancy on your terms.

My goal for you
When making decisions about our own health and wellbeing, I’m a fierce advocate for having access to uncensored and factual information. By teaching you the science and biology behind how our bodies work, my goal is to help you rediscover how to work with your body, not against it.
You can take back control of your fertility—I’m living proof of it.
“From the way the course material was beautifully put together to enjoying online chats with a group of women who were in the same boat… Hannah did such a fantastic job at coaching each of us about how intricate and perfect a woman’s body has been made. I’m mind blown! Thank you Hannah for making this course available for women who are seeking natural methods to conceive or avoid pregnancy” – Sam