Painful Periods Are Not Normal : 3 Hacks for Improvement


Severe period pain that feels like throbbing, burning, stabbing, or searing is not normal and should not be ignored. Other symptoms like vomiting, diarrhoea, or fainting can also be warning signs of a more serious underlying condition. These symptoms may be indicative of conditions like endometriosis or adenomyosis, which can cause significant pain and affect a woman’s quality of life.

Women clutching her abdomen with painful periods.

Painful periods stem from the release of prostaglandins, hormone-like compounds that play a vital role in stimulating the uterus and releasing its lining during menstruation. While prostaglandins are essential for our well-being, acting as protectors and facilitators of the healing process by inducing inflammation and pain at sites of tissue damage or infection, an excess of them can pose challenges. When inflammation persists, it triggers an overproduction of prostaglandins, leading to intensified menstrual cramps and discomfort.

Here are some things, you can do to help reduce the inflammation caused from those increased prostaglandins.

1. Reduce your consumption of industrial seed oils – Diets with a high seed oil content have been linked to inflammatory responses in the body. While Omega-6 is a necessary fatty acid, its balance with Omega-3 is pivotal. An imbalance in this ratio can foster a state of prolonged inflammation. To mitigate such risks, it’s crucial to steer clear of industrial seed oils, some of which include;

2. Reduce inflammatory foods – Foods like wheat, sugar, and cow’s dairy can actually make inflammation worse in your body. Not cool, right? But wait, there’s more. These foods can also crank up your histamine levels, which in turn can make your ovaries pump out more estrogen. More estrogen can mean more period pain, so it’s kind of a vicious cycle.

3. Tackle those endocrine disruptors – Ever heard of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs)? They’re like the sneaky villains of our everyday life, messing with our hormonal system and wreaking havoc on our bodies. These chemicals can mess with how our body metabolises estrogen, leading to a buildup of this hormone. And we all know what that means—hello, period problems!

But here’s the kicker—these EDC’s are everywhere! They’re in cosmetics, cleaning products, food containers, furniture…the list goes on. Basically, they’re lurking around every corner, just waiting to mess with our hormones.

I have a whole blog here about EDCs, what they’re about and how to reduce them from your environment.

Wishing you balanced hormones & baby dust

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If you’d like to learn more about achieving pregnancy with FAM, check out my signature program Transform Your Cycle here, or head to the programs page for an overview of all the supports available.

Hannah, sitting at a table, looking at a program that shows women how to identify their fertile days and get pregnant naturally.
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